
User Guide

Stuff is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) desktop app for managing tasks, optimized for fast typists to use. If you can type fast, Stuff can manage your tasks faster than traditional GUI apps.


Notes about the command format:

Adding a todo: todo

Adds a todo to your list of tasks.

Format: todo NAME_OF_TASK [#TAG]...

Tip: A todo can have 0 or more tags for easier searching.


Adding an event: event

Adds an event to your list of tasks.

Format: event NAME_OF_EVENT /at TIME_OF_EVENT [#TAG]...

Tip: A event can have 0 or more tags for easier searching.


Adding an deadline: deadline

Adds a deadline to your list of tasks.

Format: deadline NAME_OF_DEADLINE /by TIME_OF_DEADLINE [#TAG]...

Tip: A deadline can have 0 or more tags for easier searching.


Listing all tasks: list

Shows a list of all tasks in the task list.

Format: list

Marking a task as done: done

Marks a task in your list of tasks as done.

Format: done INDEX


Deleting a task: delete

Deletes a task from your list of tasks.

Format: delete INDEX


Finding a task: find

Find tasks whose names or tags containing the given keywords.

Format find [KEYWORDS]...


Exiting the program: bye

Exits the program and saves your tasks.

Format: bye

Command summary

Action Format
Adding a todo todo NAME_OF_TASK [#TAG]...
Adding an event event NAME_OF_EVENT /at TIME_OF_EVENT [#TAG]...
Adding a deadline deadline NAME_OF_DEADLINE /by TIME_OF_DEADLINE [#TAG]...
Listing all tasks list
Marking a task as done done INDEX
Deleting a task delete INDEX
Finding a task find [KEYWORDS]...
Exiting the program bye